Thursday, December 13, 2007

Welcome to Four Seasons in Vermont

As a repentant flat-lander living for the past few years in Vermont, I thought it might be nice to share the incredible beauty of my adoptive state with anyone interested in taking a peek via the internet.  My wife and I live in a rural area in central Vermont on a small 10 acre property which I walk with my dogs just about everyday.  We have a pond, a trout stream, old apple trees, a new garden, a wildflower meadow and several acres of woods.  The land around us is pretty much undeveloped except for a few neighbors.  Most of this blog will be about the daily life of this little place of ours.  I suppose this makes it sort of an amateur naturalist blog.  On occasion, however, I'll broaden the perspective to include our local town and other interesting places we may visit.  I hope anyone accessing this  blog enjoys it. 
     This first picture shows a bend in our trout stream after a recent snow storm.  The storm dropped about 12 inches here a couple of weeks ago, and it's been cold since, so nothing has melted.  The large wonderfully symetrical tree in this photo is an Eastern Hemlock, a species which is dying out to our South as a result of an imported pest.  I haven't seen any signs of problems on our place just yet.   I've seen mallards on the stream the last couple of days.  They'll generally hang around for a few days and then fly off and try their hand somewhere else.   


w. wilson said...

Great picture of a typical snow covered VT day. I am excited to read the blog and will send the link around to friends.

Anonymous said...

great idea dad! I'll make sure and subscribe and have the girls and Nancey take a look