Sunday, March 2, 2008

Spring Comes Early to Vermont!

World class icycles

Our locally grown glacier slowly curls off of the roof.

That Spring will come early is at least our fervent hope, disappointed so far. As a matter of fact we had the coldest temperature of the year two nights ago, -14 F, and we have gotten a fresh 20 inches of snow in the last 6 days. This has been the snowiest year in recorded history here in Vermont. That includes a record breaking 48" in February. In fact it hasn't snowed this much here since the pliocene era approximately 1.5 millions years ago. Here at our place we've gotten a total of about 10 feet during December, January and February. The snow pack is now a solid 4 feet. In other news, the suicide rate is sky-rocketing across northern New England, and most migratory birds have canceled plans to leave the South before Spring 2009.

Where's global warming when you need it?

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