Our connection to civilized behavior hangs by the thin cable of the well repairman.
In the Spring a young man's fancy turns to well pump repair of course. Some of my readers may object that I'm not a young man anymore, so how can I judge what young men might be dwelling on in the Spring. A reasonable objection, but I can guarantee you that up here in the North Country when you live out in the country and you have a well pump problem, that's what your fancy turns to, be you young, old, infant, adolescent, tweener (whatever that is) or centenarian. You can even become quite obsessive about it. That's because a well pump failure means no water and no water means, among other things, no functioning toilets. Now even though bears can and do take care of their "business" in the woods, and I have been persuaded by necessity to do the same on occasion, it's not something I relish. Catherine I can assure you relishes it even less. So it's Spring, our well pump has been on its last legs for some time and today we got it replaced. They're not actually done with the repair as I write this. There were some "complications". I'm confident they'll be done by nightfall, however. If not . . . I guess I'll be going out to say Hi to Bruno the bear. Wish us luck.
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