Boiling the Sap.

Nectar of the Gods and Vermonters
The sap is running these days up in our neck of the woods and the syrup is boiling in hundreds of sugar shacks big and small. It's "Sugarin' Season" and a sweet season it is indeed after the Winter we've just been through. Sure, there's still 2 feet of snow pack on the ground over most of our yard, but it was over 50 today and the sun was out, so we decided to head to Bragg Family Farm for the first maple creemee of the season. The local "delicacy" up here this time of year is syrup on snow, but quite frankly I am sick of snow, with or without maple syrup. An ice cream cone on the other hand sounded just right. How right it was is hard to explain but just let me say that my creemee was extraordinarily delicious. They weren't boiling sap at Bragg farm today. They still use buckets to collect sap and were out getting another load collected from their 50 acre "sugarbush". (Why a sugar maple forest is called a sugarbush is unknown to me.) Our neighbor down the road was boiling however, and you can just see the steam escaping from the top of his shack in the photo above. He uses plastic piping to collect his sap which is the most common system these days. With the plastic piping you don't have to trudge through the woods with a collecting tank on a wagon emptying buckets. Gravity brings the sap right to your sugar house.
Nancey says:
Im jealous! I would give anything for a creemee right now!
Mia says:
I forgot how you get there. Can you tell me the way to get there? I want a creemee too.
Camille says:
I like seeing the sheep! Are they out there?
Neil says:
Im more salty than sweet, but those creemee's are pretty good!
Camille, the sheep aren't out since the snow hasn't melted yet. I'm sure they'll be out by the time you get here. It's an easy place to find Mia. Here are the instructions: First go online and buy an airline ticket; wakeup the day of your flight and go to the airport...Maybe I'll just have to show you when you get here.
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