The local masons pose in front of their handiwork.
Some of you readers are well enough read and travelled to be familiar with the so-called "Great Wall of China". Even though that wall can apparently be seen from space, I'm not convinced that China's "great" wall is all that great or can even come close to comparing to the wall we have recently completed in our yard. There are similarities however. The chinese built their wall to protect them from the ravaging barbarian hordes of Mongol horsemen. We have built our wall to protect us from the ravaging barbarian hordes from outside Vermont (New Hampshire comes to mind for example). It will also serve as a retaining wall for some flowers and shrubbery. Eventually we hope to extend the wall all around our property and then build a moat. That will be followed by the guard towers complete with catapults equipped to hurl copious quantities of Greek Fire. When it comes to home security, no excess is excessive. I'm not sure what that means but it's a motto I try and live by.
I'm all about home security too. Can my family come hang out chez vous in Vermont someday?
Your welcome to come hang out. You'll have to bring your own guns however.
And the moat opens up some many other possibilities...crocodiles, pirana, poisonous snakes. Of course with Vermont winters, you might need to heat the moat...but anything for home security.
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