Our Evening Grosbeak.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak between takes. (Read on and you'll get it.)

Evening Grosbeak in a decent photo.
I know many of you find my bird-watching pastime to be extraordinarily tedious, but no wolves or bears showed up at the house this week, so I am going to write about birds. Beautiful birds as it turns out and more specifically grosbeaks. We have two types of grosbeaks here, the Evening Grosbeak and the Rose Breasted Grosbeak. They are brightly colored and somehow exotic looking, as if they should be living in some tropical rain forest as opposed to the north country here in Vermont. And yet, here they are. They're migratory birds and today was the first time we have seen them back here this Spring. The Evening Grosbeak is so named because they are party birds who get up late and then stay up till all hours eating fermented birdseed and getting sloppy drunk. The Rose Breasted Grosbeak, oddly enough, has a bright red breast. They get a lot of work in nature films playing slaughtered birds shot by careless hunters. Their red breast looks like a gunshot wound, so they don't even need makeup. It's a good gig if you can get it.
I stumbled upon your blog and wanted to let you know that your pictures and narratives are very immersive. I enjoyed reading them. I hope you don't mind if I visit again.
I'm honored that you find my blog interesting. Please do visit as often as you like. For me this is a big coup since now I can claim that my blog has an international audience, you being from Australia and all. Historically there have been a lot of connections between Vermont and Australia although I can't think of any of them off the top of my head. In any case, welcome to F.S. in VT.
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