Our Winter stock of corn. Could be grim.

None of our pumpkins won first prize at the county fair.

The apples on our old apple trees seem to do fine without any help from us.

Just a random shot of the house.
O.K., American Gothic we're not although we did spend a lot of time, energy and money on the garden this year. With mixed results I have to admit. The greens and the tomatoes did pretty well. The cucumbers threatened to overwhelm us. The herbs and our first year strawberries on the other hand were pretty much a bust. The black-eyed peas that I planted (late unfortunately) grew tall and strong and produced narry a bean. The pumpkins and the butternut squash produced only laughter or pity. The corn I planted was, happily, only for decoration because there wasn't enough of it to keep a chicken alive through the Winter. Still and all, we did get our raised beds built, the strawberry patch promises many more fruit next year, and we learned a lot from our mistakes. It would have been a pretty satisfying year except that with what we spent on the garden, we could have financed our vegetable needs for the next 10 years at the supermarket. On the bright side, we don't have to actually live off of what we raise.
Let us know how the ornamental corn tastes.
I think Native Americans would take offense at it being called"ornamental". I ate some before going to Africa and it tastes fine. One small problem. Your teeth are red afterwards.
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