Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Farewell to Blogs

Yes, it's official. I have lost my long-running battle with excessive laziness and am forced to cease publication of Four Seasons in Vermont. I appreciate everyone who has stopped by for a look, but I really appreciate the readers who thought my posts were funny. Good-by from the North Country and happy lives to everyone!


Unknown said...

:( snifff...

Nana Lesa said...

How depressing.....you really are funny and I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your life. Let's keep in contact a little better....we are related after all! Love you, brother and take care.

Martin said...

What are you so busy doing, that you can't keep posting for us?

Numeriklab said...

Why wasn't I informed of this? I love the blog!

Katy, Planet Perspectives said...

I'll miss the blogs too. I just decided to get my blog back up and running again. Did I tell you I went back to teaching this fall? Hopefully I'll get back to Africa in the spring or next summer. Hope to run into you there.

Jen at Cabin Fever said...

You never know... you may come back. Have a wonderful and great winter! Hope you keep reading :)