Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Deja vu all over again..."

Grand Canyon of the Dog River which runs through our property.

Tired of the seeming never ending stream of postcard perfect snow covered Vermont landscapes on this blog? Yeah, well, welcome to my world. Except you can flit to another website as you yawn at the now boring perfect whiteness of it all. No such luck for me. I get to shovel the deck again after our 8 inch snow a couple of days ago. You can't help but thinking "Gee, we've had a lot of snow" when the guy with the big 4x4 pickup gets stuck trying to plow your driveway. And reading this you might be tempted to say, "Yes, that's a lot of snow!" But then you are forced to reconsider what a lot of snow is. Turns out it's a lot of snow when the second guy with the big 4x4 pickup comes to get the first guy out and gets stuck too. Of course, while you're down on your freezing hands and knees helping dig them out, you have lots of time to think about your choice in retirement locales. What the hell was it that we didn't like about New Mexico anyway?

p.s. Have you heard the joke about how much it snows in Vermont? No? Well, I'm sorry but you won't hear it from me because IT'S NOT FUNNY!


w. wilson said...

I can't believe they got stuck!

Numeriklab said...

What didnt you like about New Mexico? It's too hot!