Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Waiting for Godot . . . and Spring

Scanning the southern horizon for signs of Spring.

Sunbathing Vermont style.

My daughter and daughter-in-law, who live in Boston, have started complaining recently about being tired of Winter, having cabin fever (although they live in a condo) and being just desperate for Spring to arrive. Well, I've got news for them. Spring has arrived in Boston, at least compared to Vermont. I mean come on, there's no snow on the ground in Boston, most days it gets above freezing and their flowers are showing signs of wanting to bloom. Hell, up here in Vermont we call that kind of weather "High Summer!" (Not really, but it does sound suspiciously like June weather.) Up here it still gets down into the single digits at night, 3 F last night, and it looks like I'll be wearing snowshoes to walk the dogs for at least another 4 weeks. Yes, we're still waiting for Spring up here and with it the sugaring season and of course our beloved "Mud Season". I promise everyone at least one blog entry on both of those ...if they ever actually occur this year.

p.s. The pictures above were actually taken last July during a heat wave when it was possible during a brief two week period to go outdoors without getting instant frostbite.

1 comment:

w. wilson said...

Hey, complaining about the weather is the right of every New Englander, whether from Boston or Vermont- though I admit you all have a lot to complain about this year.