The pies, set amidst christmas decorations, grace the family heirloom china cabinet.

The great American classic, apple.

Up close and personal with three berries.
Tis the season to over-consume, and for me that means pies. My Mom, a phenomenal cook, made great pies and I guess that set me on a lifetime path of pie appreciation. My wife is also a phenomenal cook, but she's not particularly interested in cooking pies. Which means that I am the pie cook in our household and I have been trying to perfect my skills off and on for years. I did two pies for our Christmas dinner this year, an apple (using my secret recipe) and a three berry pie (blueberries, blackberries and cranberries). For the first time I made lattice tops. All of this of course is to approximate as closely as possible a Norman Rockwellesque Vermont Christmas. And it seems to be working out. We've got the snow, the cheery fire and now the pies. The good news is that the pies seem to have turned out pretty well. The bad news? Looks like I'll have to share them with the rest of the family. I guess Christmas isn't all it's cracked up to be after all.
Wow, those are some good looking pies! I like the lattice-work on the top. We had apple pie on Christmas, and special request from my 32-year old brother - peanut butter pie. Not a typical Christmas pie by any means, but well-received by some.
Thanks for the compliment. I love peanut butter pie. But then, I love almost all pies.
Your pies look amazing! And that china cabinet is beautiful.
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