The family car infringing on the "wood butcher's" lair.

I may not be much of a wood worker, but I do know how to buy lots of tools!
As you regular readers know, Winters up here in the North Country are long, cold and dark. As we begin to forlornly count the days until Spring, it helps to have a hobby to stay occupied. And now that the holidays are fast slipping away, we are once again sinking into that three month period of the year where everyone up in these parts focuses on these essential hobbies. Why are hobbies so important you might ask? Because intense activity is the only way to escape cabin fever, stir craziness, snow hallucinations, paranoia and snow blindness. Anyone remember "The Shining"? Case closed, and oh by the way, writing your first novel is not a recommended hobby. My hobby is wood working. Real wood workers would call what I do "wood butchering", but at least it keeps me busy during the long Winter months. Last year I completed a built-in entertainment center and library for our t.v. room. It turned out pretty good, if you turn the lights down real low and squint sideways that is. This year I'll be making a side table/stereo cabinet and a coffee table for the living room. My wife, Catherine, is very keen for me to get started as she has been without her stereo for almost a year now, and I have to complete the side table to be able to re-install it. I guess that means that an alternate title for this post might be "Wife beckons to get busy in wood shop." The good news is that I was able to get enough high quality rough cut lumber from a local mill to finish these projects. The bad news? The garage isn't heated and it's hard to do woodworking with mittens on.
Ahh yes, the first novel. Do you have a transcript of it somewhere? I am on vacation after all and can think of nothing more than wanting to read up on the Cold War.
Stop being humble. You are at least as good a carpenter as Jesus.
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