This ice shelf is doomed if these temperatures persist!

Larry, Moe and Curly, our Adirondack chairs, contemplate the effects of Global Warming.

The river is once again open for navigation.

The dogs plow through the newly warmed snow.
Yes fans, in another sign of rampant global warming, the temperature got up to 38 F yesterday! To avoid heat prostration, I only wore my swim trunks and a a t-shirt on my daily walk with the dogs although I did need snowshoes. (Pictures not available unfortunately.) The snow pack is still about 4 feet deep after all. The warm weather was welcome after the rude awakening I got upon my return from Ethiopia. 75 F (23 Celsius) and sunny all day in Ethiopia. 0 degrees Kelvin and snowing here in Vermont. Takes some getting used to, but now I'm re-acclimated. And since my typing fingers have thawed (what with our heat wave and all) I'm back with some new posts. The pictures above really tell an eloquent story about the recent one day thaw here. If you look really, really closely, you can see some of the snow flakes at the very bottom of the snow pack melting. Kind of makes you anxious for Spring.
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