A world lit only by candles.
No new posts for "Four Seasons in Vermont" during the last couple of days? I have an excuse. It's hard to post anything on the internet with no electricity for 36 hours. Oddly enough when the power goes out the computer doesn't work. Nor does our DSL hookup not to mention the heat or the water pump. In short we returned to the mid-19th century here for a couple of days without really being prepared for it. A bad wind storm brought trees down on power lines all over the state. The one that took out our power fell only about 200 yards from the house on the other side of the road. We did discover why people seemed to bathe much less back in the "old days". Hauling water by hand and heating it a couple of gallons at a time on the stove so you can take a bath seems like a complete waste of time when you could be huddled around the fire, your only source of warmth on a cruel winter's night. We also discovered that in the Winter with the sun down by 5 o'clock and without electricity you go to bed really early. Around 8 o'clock for us as it turned out, and between 7 and 8 all we did was sit in the living room and stare at the candles. Still, it wasn't that bad. It was even a little romantic as the photo above attests. You just had to make a conscious effort not to let the swarms of flies attracted by your body odor ruin the romantic moment.
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