That's right, Bullwinkle the moose is still in the area. The dogs and I ran onto his tracks this morning way up in the woods on the neighbors property. I'm guessing this is the same moose whose tracks we saw this Summer in the wild flower patch. Then this Fall I saw similarly sized tracks on one of the gravel bars along the river. Now, I'm assuming "our" moose is a bull because we have only seen one set of tracks and they are from a pretty good sized animal. If the tracks were from a cow moose, I think we would have seen a calf's tracks at some point. Tomorrow I'll try and remember to take a ruler and measure the tracks as well as a camera for some pictures. The pictures I've included aren't mine of course, but they show moose in a setting very similar to where I saw the tracks. Bull moose shed their antlers each year after the mating season so Bullwinkle is most likely bald at this time of the year. I just threw in the picture of the moose with his rack because a moose's antlers are so impressive. Who knows, maybe we'll find the discarded antlers on one of our walks. Wouldn't that make a great decoration for the house?
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