Today dawned sunny and cold. How cold? So cold the squirrels knocked on the door and begged the dogs for hot coffee. Well, maybe not that cold, but it was close to zero this morning. It got up to a balmy 18 F when we went for our walk. Tonight is supposed to be really cold though. 10 below or something like that. We've been promised that the high for the day will be at least 5 degrees above zero. I'm not sure I'm looking forward to the morning walk. We got 15 or 16 inches of snow over the last two days, and you can see from the photo that the garden fence has almost disappeared. The fence posts look like they're wearing dunce caps. Still, it was a light fluffy snow, easily shoveled and it worked its beautiful magic on the landscape. We've gotten a total of about 48 inches of snow so far this year. As you can see from the pictures, we're even to the point where the dogs are wearing snowshoes.
3 years ago
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