Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Talkin bout a Heat Wave

Pine Tree freshly worked over by a pileated woodpecker.

The garden fence reappears and water shimmers on the surface of the pond.

The deck, strangely almost free of snow.

Only 4 days ago the garden fence was completely covered with snow. A week ago the high temperature for the day didn't get into the double digits. Today on the other hand we are in the midst of what we affectionately call up here in Vermont "the January thaw". And quit a thaw it has been. It was 59 F at noon today (a record) and I ate out on the deck on an adirondack chair that was free of snow for the first time in two months. We didn't start a fire today for the first time in 3 months. The snow has the consistency of a snow cone and the ice on the pond, which I was nonchalantly walking across a week ago, seems ready to disappear. Tomorrow it's supposed to be even warmer before temperatures slowly become more seasonable over the weekend. Perhaps I should have called the blog "6 Seasons in Vermont". After all, there is Mud Season here in the early Spring and this mini-season of the January thaw.

P.S. I stumbled on the pine tree that had been chewed up by the woodpecker during the walk this morning.

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