Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ansel Adams...Move Over! or Gadget Guy finds Nirvana

My rather shapely foot.

My first decent bird photo.

The new camera as seen by the old camera.

Wish I knew the name.

Nella watches for the bear.

Zazou helps me look for wildflowers in the river.

Beautiful but unidentified at this time.


Orange Hawk weed.

Tall Meadow-rue

Wild strawberries.


As you can see from the eclectic selection of photos above, I put the new camera into operation today. I didn't have the best conditions for a photo shoot; it was cloudy and rainy all day, or as us artists say, I didn't have "good light". Still, I thought I owed it to the readers of the blog to show what the future holds now that I have the right photographic stuff. I also couldn't resist playing around with my new gadget / toy / essential accessory of modern life.

I should perhaps first give everyone the specifications on the new camera. It's a Panasonic DMZ 18. (I guess the model name comes from the fact that it was built in a demilitarized zone.) It has something like 87,000 mega-pixels. For the uninitiated, a mega-pixel is 1 million pixies, and we all know that a pixie is a small faerie with magical powers. Apparently with a digital camera, when you click the shutter all of those little pixies furiously paint whatever they see during the brief instant that the shutter is open. That means that my camera has 87,000 x 1 million pixies painting each time I take a picture. Obviously, the more pixies painting, the better the picture. Fortunately the camera comes with an automatic brush cleaning feature which makes the pixies pretty much maintenance free. It's amazing how today's technology can harness yesterday's superstitions to make our world a better place. Otherwise the camera is pretty straight forward although it does have more computing power than what was needed to send a man to the moon in 1969. I wonder, how they were able to take such good pictures during those missions to the moon? Everyone knows pixies can't survive space travel.

Anyway, not having, as I mentioned, "good light" today, I thought I would concentrate on photographing some of the wild flowers growing around the place. I threw in the other stuff just to show off. Enjoy.

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