Shy Tilly hides her head in the weeds.

A good look at Tilly's 14 inch carapace and crocodile-like tail.
Walking around the pond just a couple of days ago I almost tripped over Tilly the turtle. That's not recommend when the turtle in question is a good sized snapper. Having recovered my composure, I went back to the house for the camera and took the pictures above. Tilly seemed unconcerned about my presence or the the dogs polite sniffing. She seemed intent on basking in the warm Spring sun and stayed right where she was for several hours. She kept her head under the weeds, but we were able to move a few aside and take a look. Her head is the size of a large avocado and very impressive. Catherine has seen other turtles in the river, probably Eastern painted turtles, but I have as yet to see any besides Tilly. If I do see a different turtle on one of my walks, you'll be the first to know.
Mia says: Snapping turtles can look like rocks sometimes. Then you sit on it and...snap!
You're right! I almost stepped on this one!
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