Maggie the moose doing her best horse impression.

Again with the horse look. (The bushes behind Maggie the Moose are about 7 ft high and 8 ft wide. Hopes this gives a idea of scale.)

Now that's a moose profile!

Maggie's had enough of the bright lights.
The big day finally arrived! We have seen a moose in our yard! Things all started off as I was finishing up my lunch out on the deck. Suddenly a large moose ran up the road, apparently startled by a car, and I watched it go by as well as I could. Unfortunately the view was pretty much blocked by trees. The dogs got as excited as me and we peered through the trees towards the back of the house for a while hoping to catch a final glimpse of the beast. No such luck, however, and I turned around a bit dejected. But lo and behold there was an adolescent moose standing near the now famous wildflower meadow and staring at me up on the deck. I quickly hustled the dogs inside before they could catch sight of the moose and then snapped the photos above with my decidedly crappy camera. After pretending to be a horse and posing for a couple of photos, the moose sauntered off and into the forest. About five minutes later a second, larger moose appeared across the pond headed in the opposite direction. I couldn't get any photos before she disappeared into the brush and trees between the brook and the road. So here's our hypothesis. The pair of mooses were a mother and her one or two year old calf. They were crossing the road when a car startled them and they scattered, the mother up the road and the calf into our yard. So there you have it. Our first confirmed siting of Mrs. Bullwinkle and her daughter Maggie. Such excitement here in the North Country!
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