Amateur photo of another Bruno raiding bird feeders North of us.

What Catherine saw through the living room window.

A bear about the size of Bruno.
I'm back from my work trip to Benin, West Africa, and during my absence Bruno the Bear started hanging around the house, looking for bird seed handouts. We saw Bruno once last year in early May and had kind of given up on him this year. Of course as soon as I took off for a month, he appeared, again and again, to the point where Catherine had to go out on the deck and chase him away on the last of his four visits. He was clearly becoming habituated to being around the house as the barking dogs and rapping on the windows didn't phase him in the least. Even when Catherine chased him off the last time, he kind of hung around the side yard, really put out at having to leave some bird seed unfinished, while Catherine yelled and flapped her arms at him. He finally climbed the old maple tree to get over the fence and shambled off. Needless to say we haven't refilled the bird feeders in several weeks and Bruno seems to have stopped coming by. We think the bear is a Bruno as opposed to a Brunehilda since he has shown up without any cubs the two years we have seen him. I'm guessing he's three years old since he appears to weigh about 150 to 190 lbs. We're going to refill the bird feeders this week and see if Bruno has crossed us off of his regular route. We'll keep everyone informed.
Mia says: I wonder if the bear will show up.
Cami says: How did the bear get on the deck?
We hope he won't show up since we don't want him around all of the time. I'll show you how he got in when you get here.
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